Week 1 Bonus Exercise
21. February 2025
A quadratic equation is an equation that can be written as
In this equation x represents an unknown number, and a, b, and c are representing known numbers. Possible solutions for a given quadratic equation can be calculated by the formula
The expression
is called the discriminant. Using the discriminant makes it is easy to check the number of solutions for a given quadratic equation:
- If the discriminant is 0, the quadratic equation has exactly one real solution.
- If the discriminant is > 0, the quadratic equation has two real solutions.
- f the discriminant is < 0, the quadratic equation has two complex solutions.
Write a program that asks the user for the numbers a, b and c. The program should then print out how many solutions the quadratic equation has.
Below is an example execution of the program:
Please enter the value of a: 4
Please enter the value of b: 2
Please enter the value of c: -2
The quadratic equation has 2 real solutions.
Here is an another example execution of the program:
Please enter the value of a: 1
Please enter the value of b: 2
Please enter the value of c: 3
The quadratic equation has 2 complex solutions.
And here is yet another example execution of the program:
Please enter the value of a: 1
Please enter the value of b: 2
Please enter the value of c: 1
The quadratic equation has 1 real solution.